Монгол Улс, Улаанбаатар хот, Сүхбаатар дүүргийн 1 дүгээр хороо, Олимпийн гудамж, Жамьян Гүн 12, Гранд оффис 3 давхар 32 тоот

Vitelli & Associates

Vitelli & Associates

USAID MEG Activity is supporting an assessment of the current institutional, policy, legal, and regulatory framework for electricity and heat supply. Vitelli & Associates Ms. Mary Louise Vitelli, Esq. an international attorney and institutional advisor for USAID's Mongolia Energy Governance activity, met with government and other stakeholders to provide legal and governance advisory assessments of the energy sector transition in Mongolia. During her visit, diverse representatives from government institutions and private companies shared their perspectives about energy transition and challenges they are facing now. This assessment will be the basis for identifying the areas for improved technical and commercial efficiency, corporate governance, environmental and social safeguards, and energy security and will help to develop options for transparent and market-based operations.