#32, 3F Grand Office, Jamyan Gun 12 Olympic Street, Sukhbaatar District 1st khoroo, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia 14251

Increase market competitiveness in the power sector​

The activity aims to enhance the Mongolian government's capacity to issue and award transparent procurements, which will facilitate the diversification of the investment portfolio and promote a market-based energy sector. To achieve this, training and guidance on procurement policies and practices will be developed. A pipeline of investment opportunities in renewable energy will also be formulated. In addition, MEG will assist Mongolian entities in attracting financing for energy projects and promote transparent procurements, including auctions. The goal is to achieve more private sector investment, competitive procurements, and corresponding tariff reform to increase transparency and promote a sustainable energy sector. This task will support Mongolia's energy sector through innovative financing and procurement strategies, which will pave the way for a self-reliant and prosperous energy future.